Hi, I'm Natalia! Looking for a web developer?

I am a Front-End Developer skilled at building a web presence from the ground up, from concept, navigation, responsive web design, layout and programming.

These are some of my projects:

Winery landing page
Winery Landing Page

The Winery landing page is designed to maximize chances of sales success, get new clients and customers.

See the project
landing page
Education Center Landing page

The Distance Learning Education Center Landing Page is designed to get potential students to enroll in online courses.

See the project

E-shop is created to is to facilitate the buying and selling process online. (Only FRONT-END part)

See the project
Recipe App
Recipe App

The Recipe App is meant to offer you a lot of recipes.

See the project
Secret diary
Secret diary

The secret diary is meant to be kept secret, write about your thoughts and feelings.

See the project
 Weather app
Weather right now.

Knowing the weather is something that we all pretty much need to know.

See the project

Contact me!

I'll never share your email with anyone else.